The One with a Video!

Curio Exploration Hub + Madison Taylor Design

When I decided to launch Curio, I knew I was going to need help.

Like, a lot of help. Help from my family, help from my friends, and help from the community.

My community support has come in the form of Madison Taylor. Working with Madison and her team has been a truly remarkable experience, and I am so proud and grateful for all the work they have done for us and continue to do to bring Curio to life.

This video collaboration with Madison Taylor Design and FlyPress Films is a gift I will forever be grateful for. We had so much fun making it and we can’t wait for you all to watch it!

Thank you to all those close to me who made it possible.  My uber supportive family, our encouraging friends, our very first employee Miss Julia and the talented teams of Madison Taylor Design and FlyPressFilms

And a special thank you to my two loves Cole and Mabel and all the kiddos who filled this video with joy and heart. We can’t wait to begin this journey of bringing a Children’s Museum to Barrie!

Dedicated to the mama who fills me with courage and strength everyday, and shines bright in the hearts of all of us.



Steph S.